Saturday, May 21, 2011


Let me start this off with the fact that I know this is all shallow stuff.  I hate complaining about how something happened, when most don't even have half the good fortune.  I just had to say that first.

Almost 5 years ago, my parents purchased a time share in Florida when my sister and I were pregnant, wanting somewhere to stay while the grandchildren grew up and wanted to go to Disney.  So we took a trip when the girls were almost 1 year old more for us as it would be the first and last time we would 'do' Disney without small children.  We recently returned.  This time we had two five year olds, a three year old, an almost one year, my parents, my sister and brother in law, my husband and my almost 90 year old Grandma.  We've had it booked for about one year, and been having some discussions about what we'll do, etc.

In that time, I spoke to other parents of children the same age for opinions, I studied the 2011 guidebook like I was going to an exam.  I made sure I made reservations 6 months in advance so that the kids could have breakfast at THE castle with the princesses.  A week before we left I sent each child a postcard from their favourite character 'inviting' them to breakfast at the castle (I highly recommend doing this if you know a child going to Disney, my daughter LOVED getting this piece of mail).  All in all - I was ready.

My sister's family got the stomach flu on the way down.  I can't imagine how hard that was to have three young children in the car throwing up.  They get to Florida and we all fall down like domino's.  One after another, EVERYONE gets the flu.

I know the flu isn't that awful, and it was basically a 24 hour deal, but wow, it was awful.  My daughter got it Tuesday night at 11pm.  I was officially up doing laundry 10 mins later, scrubbing carpet (my house is thankfully all wood) and then staying with her all night.  I knew, that our reservation with Cinderella was now cancelled and dreaded having to break the news to her in the morning.  I did still hold out a hope that she would be up and fine by 7am, but knew it wasn't very realistic. 

The next day, I felt sick so we hung around the pool and tried to spend time with the rest of the family who were all starting to feel better (except now Grandma).  This is almost the end of the vacation and the only day we were all together for awhile.  We had one day left, and still had to make it to Disney.  That night, Daddy got sick and it was down to just the two of us for our Disney day.

My daughter is a trooper.  Maybe I tried to make up for everything, but everything I tried, failed.  We can't have breakfast with Belle and Cinderella, but there is a spot open for lunch with Winnie!  Day we could go, not available.  Then I talk up the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique, nothing available.  Then Daddy gets sick, so no one to ride on the teacups with.  Once there, I said she could buy a whole Princess costume, or pick anything she wanted since we got our money back from the breakfast.  I promised myself I wouldn't worry about the cost of what she picked.  She picked a small stuffed animal - that was it really other than a couple of souvenirs.  I was shocked and proud.

The next day, we head home.  Poor thing gets motion sick in the car, and I get a bit of an idea of what my sister went through on their way up!  It's a couple hours after that it hits me.  Where is that stuffed animal from Disney?  She was holding it and wouldn't put it down, so how come it's not in the back seat with her?  Crap.

Negatives from the trip:  all the little disappointments for my daughter, including not having much play time with her cousins.  I was upset I didn't have much time with my family, I feel I've been working so much lately and been so rundown that everytime I saw them, I was tired or sick.  Not being able to have dinners together, make plans together or even have the kids all go to Disney together.

Okay, now that the whining is done - here are the positives from the trip:  impossible to forget.  We saved a FORTUNE on food and booze, no one was well enough to eat and drink.  I lost a bit of weight.  We made other memories.  While I really wanted to see my niece and nephews enjoy Disney, all the kids see their favourite characters in person - I had a day with my daughter alone and I was really there - not distracted, not talking to my sister, but there with her.  And I guess that is the magic of Disney - even if still on saltine crackers...

A note about Disney.  Still not sure about the real value of such an expensive day ticket, but they gave my daughter a button that said she was a first time visitor.  Everyone that spoke to us (cashiers mostly) asked how her first visit was.  My daughter was wearing her Belle princess dress and everyone, even the guys picking up the trash stopped to call her Princess.  Each character made her feel special, they blew her kisses and waved right to her from parade floats.  They also refunded our breakfast we didn't make, but still sent her the wand she would've gotten if she had attended.  My hat is off to you Disney, I was impressed!

All in all, I was impressed with my daughter.  She could have cried, stomped her feet, had a hissy fit, and truthfully, I would have understood.  She could have demanded the biggest, best gifts from the store, but chose something small that she loved.  She understood when we probably lost the new toy on the side of the road after she threw up, or at the last hotel (and yes I called to check). 

Now we're back to our regular lives, but I have some great pictures to remind me of the good memories.  And just maybe for the end of the school year, I'll treat her to build a bear for her own keepsake of my love and appreciation for who she is everyday.

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