Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Challenge Accepted

I've been putting this off.  I said that I had to finally finish something.  I want to work hard at it, but also complete it.  I thought about all the things that I want to do and have been debating back and forth what I should do.  I would love to say that I will finally practice the guitar daily and become a good enough player that I can 'jam' with people.  I would like to be a better home owner and keep my house neat and clean.  And oh, the joy at thinking I could get at all my scrapbooking stuff!

However, my priority must be my health.  I need to lose weight and get into better shape.  If I think back to my first post and about who I want my daughter to be?  The answer is healthy.  I don't care what she does with her life, but I want her to value the body she has, make food choices that fuel it, and enjoy challenging it with exercise to remain healthy.

Late last year, I started at the Dr. Poon weight loss clinic.  I had a lot of problems adapting, and everything fell apart when I got too busy with work.  I still haven't started regular exercise.  So this is my challenge, what I want to finish.  I will get back on track and follow the program.  This alone helps my family as I refuse to make separate meals for everyone, so they eat what I eat.  I'm just starting to feel better from a nasty bug, but I will start first thing tomorrow.  My meal plan is done and mentally I'm ready (meaning all the chocolates have been thrown away). 

The other step I need to take is incorporating exercise into every day.  I can't say I'll start slow with only 4 days a week or something as I always change what days it is I need to exercise...  Every day.  30 minutes won't kill me, and I can tailor it to my mood at the beginning.  I'll start something more structured once I make it a habit.  For now, it's yoga on Thursdays.  This will be how I incorporate spending time with my family.  My daughter really likes yoga, and my husband needs to unwind.  I've scheduled some family time every Thursday evening for us all to stretch and meditate together.  Saturdays, we ice skate.  So that's two days taken care of, the rest I'll have to fit in somewhere.

By the end of 2011, I want to be at my goal weight, and not thinking of this as a diet.  I know that this is a lifestyle choice, and I'm sure that will come, but right now, it is hard.  In May, we have a family trip, and my goal by then is to accept what I look like in front of the camera. 

Hey, if I find time to get my house in order, pick up the guitar or scrapbook in the meantime, then great.  But my goal is to get healthy in 2011.  There, I said it so it must be true :)


  1. Good luck Diana. I'll support you and won't invite you to bad lunches or wine drinking parties.

  2. Hi Diana
    Good luck with your goal & Congrats on where you are right now. I am starting my own journey to get healthy also.

  3. You can do it! Just remember how valuable you are, and treat yourself accordingly. Now is not the time to be modest or self-deprecating. Now is the time to show us who you really are!! Go give 'er.
