Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some Goals for Today

I guess the challenge is doing what you plan to do regardless of what comes in the way.  Unfortunately I guess I didn't meet that challenge.  This family seems to come to it's knees in the wake of cold and flu season. Thankfully none of us have been hit really hard with a serious flu (knock on wood), but the general feeling of being unwell seems to be enough to knock us on our butt.  And all good intentions go out the window. 

I haven't slept well in quite a while.  I have a hard time letting my daughter be uncomfortable through the night, and while at age 5 she should be sleeping through the night - she's not.  Mostly due to her cold.  So I am up, sleeping in fits and spurts which means that while I was feeling better - I now have a cold too.  I woke this morning (very early) and forced myself to not lie around trying to go back to sleep.  Once dressed, I actually had a spring in my step.  I started making lists of everything I wanted to accomplish today.  I wrote some down on the fridge so I can have that wonderful feeling of scratching it off the list!  Then I sat down to drink my coffee and have breakfast and now I'm fighting my body for control.

So here are my goals for today.  The first has to do with a deep dark secret.  It's awful, it's humiliating but it has to be said so that I can deal with it.  I still have my Christmas tree up.  Don't dismiss the severity of this.  My tree isn't in the basement out of the view of visitors, it's in my front window in the middle of the living room.  So goal one, is to pack it all away once and for all.

Goal two is to clean the main level of the house and put away laundry.  Not a big deal for most people but I would seriously rather be taking a nap.

Goal three is to set up the wii.  I was waiting for the delivery of our new tv stand to come in today, but it's been delayed.  I have to set it up regardless because I've been using it as an excuse to not exercise.  I have not exercised once since my first post and my clothes are getting tighter not looser as was the plan.  There are so many other ways to exercise, but this has been my excuse.

There it is - I'm trying to keep it simple for now as I really want to take a nap today.  Plus, the snow is falling quite fast outside and I know I'm destined to clear the driveway at least once today.

First, I have a decision to make.  Do I make another pot of coffee or fill up the water reservoir in the Tassimo?  I'll clean up the kitchen and ponder the answer to that.  It's a great snow day to get things done around the house and hopefully my daughter is in an agreeable mood.

Now, where is that bottle of Baileys????

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